
Interlingua to Catalan dictionary

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This Interlingua to Catalan dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Interlingua to Catalan and Catalan to Interlingua translations will be listed at once.

(m) noi (m), al·lot (m), xiquet (m), xic (m), xicot (m)
alimento#Interlingua'alimento menjar (m); aliment (m)
amico#Interlingua'amico amic (m), amiga (f)
amor amor (m)
animal, bestia animal (m)
aqua aigua (f)
arbore arbre (m)
ascoltar escoltar
baby, bebe nadó (m)
bon die hola
can#Interlingua'can gos; ca (m)
casa casa (f)
catto (m), catta (f) gat (m); gata (f); (m) mixa (f); (m) moixa (f)
cavallo (m) cavall (m)
citate ciutat (f)
femina dona (f)
flor flor (f)
fratre germà (m)
fructo fruit#Catalan'fruit (m)
homine home (m)
matre mare
moneta diner (m)
pace pau (f)
patre pare (m)
pomo poma (f)
puera (child) noia (f); nena (f); xiqueta; al·lota (f)
schola escola (f)
soror germana, (f)
vader anar
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