
German phrases for topic Answer

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  Answer   Contact   Greeting   Health   Hotel   Problem   Question   Restaurant   Shopping   Travel   Wish  


English and German phrases for topic 'answer'



answer Yes Ja
answer No Nein
answer I understand Ich verstehe
answerI don't understandIch verstehe das nicht
answerI don't knowIch weiss nicht
answer Excellent/Great Wunderbar!
answer A moment please. Einen Moment
answer I do/do not understand Ich verstehe es /nicht
answer I (do not) agree Da bin ich (nicht) mit Ihnen einer Meinung
answer I am ... Ich bin ...
answer I am (number) years old Ich bin number Jahre alt
answer Never mind Lassen Sie nur
answer No problem Das macht nichts
answer That is a good idea Ich halte das für einen guten Plan
answer That is all right Das ist Gut
answer You look wonderful! Sie sehen fabelhaft aus!
answer (name) is not here right now name ist im Moment nicht da
answer Be right back Bin gleich zurück
answer Good idea Gute Idee
answer I am just joking Ich mache nur Spaß
answer I am shocked Ich bin perplex
answer I am terribly tired Ich bin unglaublich müde
answer I am very sorry for you Es tut mir ja so leid für Sie
answer It was a pleasure meeting you Nett, deine/Ihre Bekanntschaft gemacht zu haben
answer Maybe later Vielleicht später

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This German phrasebook allows you to lookup German phrases which contain a keyword you enter. The basic German phrases are divided into thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc. This database contains about 150 of the most important German phrases. The list of German phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations people encounter in countries speaking German.

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