
French phrases for topic Question

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  Answer   Contact   Greeting   Health   Hotel   Problem   Question   Restaurant   Shopping   Travel   Wish  


English and French phrases for topic 'question'



questionDo you speak English?Parlez-vous anglais ?
questionDoes anyone here speak English?Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici qui parle anglais ?
questionWhat does it mean? Qu´est-ce que ça signifie?
questionWho are you?Qui êtes-vous?
question Where is the bathroom/toilet/WC? Où sont les toilettes ?
questionCould you speak more slowly please?Est-ce que vous pouvez parler plus lentement, s´il vous plaît?
questionCould you repeat it please?Est-ce que vous pouvez le répeter?
questionCan I use your phone? Puis-je utiliser votre téléphone?
questionCan I borrow your cell phone? Est-ce que je peux m´emprunter votre cellulaire.
question Are you all right? Est-ce que vous etes ok?
question Can you fix it? Vous pouvez faire la réparation?
question Could I ask you something? Est-ce que je peux vous poser une question?
question Could you ...? Est-ce que tu peux .... ?
question Could you help me, please? Pouvez-vous m´aider?
question Do you have ...? Est-ce que vous avez ....?
question Do you speak (language)? Parlez-vous ___?
question Does anyone here speak (language)? Est-ce que quelqu´un ici parle ___?
question Excuse me, could I ask you something? Pardon, est-ce que je peux vous demander quelque chose?
question Excuse me, could you please help me? Pardon, pouvez-vous m´aider?
question I am looking for ... Je cherche ...
question I beg your pardon? Que dites-vous?
question What does that mean? Qu´est-ce que cela veut dire?
question What time is it? Quelle heure est-il?
question Would you like ...? Tu voudrais ...?
question Can I have your address/phone number? Est-ce que je peux avoir votre adres/numéro de téléphone

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This French phrasebook allows you to lookup French phrases which contain a keyword you enter. The basic French phrases are divided into thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc. This database contains about 150 of the most important French phrases. The list of French phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations people encounter in countries speaking French.

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