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ricochet in WordNet English dictionary

  1. spring back; spring away from an impact
    "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
    bounce  resile  take a hop  spring  bound  rebound  recoil  reverberate  ricochet 
  1. a glancing rebound
    ricochet  carom 
WordNet Lexical Database v3.0, © 2006 Princeton University


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English dictionary

This English dictionary allows you to look up English keywords in several large English dictionaries at the same time. These English dictionaries are currently available: WordNet English dictionary, Webster's unabridged English dictionary, English wiktionary and Easton's bible dictionary. This English dictionary contains about 300 000 unique keywords and about 600 000 unique definitions. English example sentences containing the entered keyword are also listed. More definitions at: Definitions.net

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