
English dictionary

English word:    
think   of  

think of

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think of in WordNet English dictionary

  1. devise or invent
    "He thought up a plan to get rich quickly"; "no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software"
    think up  think of  dream up  hatch  concoct 
  2. take into consideration, have in view
    "He entertained the notion of moving to South America"
    entertain  think of  toy with  flirt with  think about 
  3. look on as or consider
    "she looked on this affair as a joke"; "He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician"; "He is reputed to be intelligent"
    think of  repute  regard as  look upon  look on  esteem  take to be 
  4. intend to refer to
    "I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France"; "Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"
    think of  have in mind  mean 
  5. keep in mind for attention or consideration
    "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"
    remember  think of 
  6. choose in one's mind
    "Think of any integer between 1 and 25"
    think of 
WordNet Lexical Database v3.0, © 2006 Princeton University

think of in English Wiktionary

  1. (verb) To consider or ponder something.
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