
Danish to Swahili dictionary

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This Danish to Swahili dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Danish to Swahili and Swahili to Danish translations will be listed at once.

æble (n) tofaa '(nc 5/6)'
betalingsmiddel (n) pesa; shilingi
bog kitabu; vitabu
broder; bror ndugu; kaka
by mji
døgn (n); dag siku
dreng kijana
dyr mnyama, wanyama 'pl (noun 1/2)'
far; fader baba; mzee
frugt tunda; matunda
hej; dav; god dag; hallo jambo
hest farasi
hund mbwa (s)/(p) ('noun 9/10')
hus (n) nyumba
huskat; kat paka (nc 9/10)
ild moto
ja ndiyo
kærlighed; romantik upendo
kvinde mwanamke
læse soma
lytte sikiza
mad; føde chakula
moder; mor mama
pige msichana; mwari
skole shule
skrive kuandika
søster dada
spædbarn mtoto; mwana
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