
Danish to Faroese dictionary

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This Danish to Faroese dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Danish to Faroese and Faroese to Danish translations will be listed at once.

æble (n) súrepli (n); epli
blomst blóma; blomstur
bog bók (f)
døgn (n); dag dagur (m)
dreng drongur (m); piltur (m)
far; fader faðir (m); pápi (m); babba (m)
hej; dav; god dag; hallo hey; halló
hest hestur; ross
hund hundur (m)
hus (n) hús (n)
huskat; kat ketta (f); húsketta (f); køttur (m); húskøttur (m)
ja ja
kvinde kona (f); kvinna (f)
læse lesa
lytte lurta
mand kallmaður (m); maður (m); kallur (m)
moder; mor móðir
nej nei
pige genta (f)
skrive rita; skriva
tid tíð (f)
træ (n) træ
vand vatn (n)
ven (m); veninde (f); kammerat vinur
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