
Galician to Italian dictionary

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This Galician to Italian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Galician to Italian and Italian to Galician translations will be listed at once.

árbore (f) albero (m)
atender; escoitar ascoltare
auga (f) acqua (f)
cabalo (m) cavallo (m)
can (m), cadela (f) cane (m)
casa (f) casa (f); casa
día (m) giorno (m)
diñeiro (m) denaro (m); soldi
escribir scrivere
flor (f) fiore (m)
froita (f) frutta (f); frutto (m)
gato gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f)
ir andare
ler leggere
lume (m) fuoco (m); fiamma (f)
mazá (f) mela (f)
muller donna (f)
ola ciao; salve; buongiorno
vez (f) tempo (m)
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