
Interlingua to Swahili dictionary

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This Interlingua to Swahili dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Interlingua to Swahili and Swahili to Interlingua translations will be listed at once.

(m) kijana
alimento#Interlingua'alimento chakula
amor upendo
animal, bestia mnyama, wanyama 'pl (noun 1/2)'
ascoltar sikiza
baby, bebe mtoto; mwana
bon die jambo
can#Interlingua'can mbwa (s)/(p) ('noun 9/10')
casa nyumba
catto (m), catta (f) paka (nc 9/10)
cavallo (m) farasi
citate mji
femina mwanamke
fratre ndugu; kaka
fructo tunda; matunda
matre mama
moneta pesa; shilingi
patre baba; mzee
pomo tofaa '(nc 5/6)'
puera (child) msichana; mwari
schola shule
soror dada
vader gura
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