
Macedonian to Marathi dictionary

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This Macedonian to Marathi dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Macedonian to Marathi and Marathi to Macedonian translations will be listed at once.

благодарам (blagódaram); фала (fála) धन्यवाद (dhanyavād)
вода (vóda) पाणी (pāṇī); जल (jal)
дрво (n) (d'rvo) झाड (zhād); वृक्ष
здраво (zdrávo) नमस्कार (namaskār)
јаболко (n) (jábolko) सफरचंद (safarchand)
книга (f) (kníga) पुस्तक (pustak)
коњ (m) (konj) घोडा
куче (n); пес (m) (pes) कुत्रा (kutra)
маж (m) (maž); човек (m) (čóvek) माणूस
мачка (f); мачор (m) मांजर (mānjar) (f), बोका (bokā) (m)
оган (m) (ógan) अग्नि (agni)
пишува (pišuva) लिहिणें
плод (m); овошје (n) (óvošje); овошка (f) (óvoška) फळ (phala)
сестра (f) (bahin) (f)
цвет (m) (cvet) फूल
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