
Scottish Gaelic to English dictionary

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This Scottish Gaelic to English dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Scottish Gaelic to English and English to Scottish Gaelic translations will be listed at once.

airgead (m); airgiod (m) money
àm (m) time
athair (m) father
baile mòr (m), dùn (m) city
balach (m); balachan (m); gille (m) boy
bean (f); boireannach (m) woman
beathach (m), ainmhidh (m) animal
biadh (m) food
bràthair (m) brother
caileag (f); nighean (f); nighneag girl
caraid (m); bancharaid (f) friend
cat (m) cat
craobh (f) tree
cù (m), madadh (m) dog
dìthean (m); flùr (m) flower
each horse
èisd; èist listen
fear (m); duine (m) man
halò; latha math; hòigh hello
latha (m) day
leabhar (m) book
leanabh (m), leanaban (m), naoidhean (m), pàisde (m) baby
leugh read
màthair (f) mother
meas (m), toradh (m) fruit
piuthar (f) sister
rùn (m) love
sgoil (f) school
sìth (f) peace
taigh (m) house
tapadh leat; tapadh leibh; taing thank you
teine (m) fire
ubhal (m) apple
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