
Dutch Loanwords dictionary :: translations

   Index > Dutch Loanwords

Berm Berme
Boss Boss
Brandy Weinbrand
Bundle Bundle
Buoy Boje (Schifffahrt)
Catskill Mountains Catskill Mountains
Coleslaw Krautsalat
Cookie Keks
Deck Deck
Drill Bohrmaschine
Easel Staffelei
Filibuster Filibuster
Gin Gin
Iceberg Eisberg
Isinglass Hausenblase
Keeshond Wolfsspitz
Maid Magd
Mannequin Gliederpuppe
Measles Masern
Polder Koog
Pump Pumpe
Scone (bread) Scone (Gebäck)
Skating Skaten
Sled Schlitten
Sloop Slup
Smuggling Schmuggel
Stockfish Stockfisch
Stove Ofen
Waffle Waffel
Wagon Fuhrwerk (Stellwagen)
Yacht Yacht

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