
Mythological Kings dictionary :: translations

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Ajax (mythology) Ajax (mythology)
Alcaeus (mythology) Alcaeus (mythology)
Anaxagoras (mythology) Anaxagoras (mythology)
Arthurian Legend Arthurian Legend
Beowulf (hero) Beowulf (hero)
Bias (mythology) Bias (mythology)
Cadmus Cadmus
Creon Creon
Dardanus Dardanus
Faunus Faunus
Freyr Freyr
Jupiter (mythology) Jupiter (mythology)
King Arthur King Arthur
Laertes Laertes
Laius Laius
Lugh Lugh
Merops Merops
Nestor (mythology) Nestor (mythology)
Priam Priam
Pygmalion (mythology) Pygmalion (mythology)
Sarpedon Sarpedon
Sparta Sparta
Theseus Theseus
Zeus Zeus

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