
Opera Terminology dictionary :: translations

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Aria Arie
Arioso Arioso
Baritone Bariton (Stimmlage)
Bel Canto Belcanto
Burlesque Burlesque
Cadenza Kadenz (Solokonzert)
Cantabile Cantabile
Castrato Kastrat
Claque Claqueur
Coloratura Koloratur
Coloratura Soprano Koloratursopran
Countertenor Countertenor
Diva Diva
Entr'acte Zwischenspiel (Theater)
Falsetto Falsett
Grand Opera Grand Opéra
Intermezzo Intermezzo (Oper)
Legato Legato
Leitmotif Leitmotiv
Libretto Libretto
Masque Maskenspiel
Melodrama Melodram (Theater)
Mezzo-soprano Mezzosopran
Opera House Opernhaus
Operetta Operette
Prima Donna Primadonna
Recitative Rezitativ
Register (music) Register (Musik)
Serenade Serenade
Soprano Sopran
Soubrette Soubrette
Sprechgesang Sprechgesang
Tenor Tenor (Stimmlage)
Timbre Klangfarbe
Trill (music) Triller (Musik)
Vibrato Vibrato

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