
Operas dictionary :: translations

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Antigone (opera) Antigonae
Attila (opera) Attila (Oper)
Benvenuto Cellini (opera) Benvenuto Cellini (Oper)
Boccaccio (operetta) Boccaccio (Suppé)
Boris Godunov (opera) Boris Godunow (Oper)
Capriccio (opera) Capriccio (Oper)
Dardanus (opera) Dardanus
Falstaff (opera) Falstaff (Verdi)
Faust (opera) Faust (Gounod)
King Arthur (opera) King Arthur (Oper)
Lucrezia Borgia (opera) Lucrezia Borgia (Oper)
Lulu (opera) Lulu (Oper)
Macbeth (opera) Macbeth (Oper)
Norma (opera) Norma (Oper)
Oedipus Rex (opera) Oedipus Rex
Orlando (opera) Orlando (Händel)
Salome (opera) Salome (Oper)
Siegfried (opera) Siegfried (Oper)

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