
Vietnamese Ingredients dictionary :: translations

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Acerola Acerola
Amaranth Amarant (geslacht)
Cabbage Wittekool
Calabash Fleskalebas
Canna (plant) Canna (geslacht)
Carambola Carambola
Chrysophyllum Cainito Cainito
Clove Kruidnagel
Coconut Kokospalm
Daikon Rammenas
Dill Dille
Eleocharis Dulcis Chinese Waterkastanje
Green Bean Sperzieboon
Guava Guave
Jackfruit Nangka
Jujube Jujube
Kudzu Kudzu
Kumquat Kumquat
Lansium Domesticum Langsat
Lentil Linze
Longan Longan
Mandarin Orange Mandarijn (vrucht)
Mango Mangifera
Mangosteen Mangistan
Mung Bean Mungboon
Neem Azadirachta Indica
Okra Okra (plant)
Oyster Mushroom Gewone Oesterzwam
Papaya Papaja
Peach Perzik
Persimmon Kaki (plant)
Pineapple Ananas
Plectranthus Amboinicus Plectranthus Amboinicus
Pomegranate Granaatappel
Pomelo Pomelo
Rambutan Ramboetan
Sapodilla Sapodilla
Sesbania Grandiflora Sesbania Grandiflora
Shiitake Shiitake
Soursop Zuurzak
Soybean Sojaboon
Spondias Spondias
Star Anise Steranijs
Sweet Potato Zoete Aardappel
Syzygium Syzygium
Tapioca Tapioca
Taro Taro
Turmeric Curcuma Longa
Welsh Onion Stengelui
Wheat Gluten (food) Seitan
Winged Bean Vleugelboon
Yam (vegetable) Yam

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