
Sailing Vessels And Rigging dictionary :: translations

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Backstay Bastaque
Barque Trois-mâts Barque
Boom (sailing) Bôme
Brig Brick (bateau)
Brigantine Brigantin
Cog (ship) Cogue
Cunningham (sailing) Cunningham (nautisme)
Cutter (ship) Cotre
Dhow Boutre
Forestay Étai (marine)
Genoa (sail) Génois
Halyard Drisse
Jib Foc
Junk (ship) Jonque
Keel Quille (bateau)
Ketch Ketch
Lateen Voile Latine
Lugger Lougre
Mainsail Grand-voile
Mast (sailing) Mât
Rigging Gréement
Sail Voile (navire)
Sailboat Voilier
Schooner Goélette
Shackle Manille (nautisme)
Sheet (sailing) Écoute (cordage)
Shroud (sailing) Hauban (voilier)
Sloop Sloop
Snow (ship) Senau
Spar Espar
Spinnaker Spinnaker
Stays (nautical) Étai (marine)
Tack (sailing) Virement De Bord
Yard (sailing) Vergue
Yawl Yawl

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