
Dictionaries > Javanese dictionary list

Available Javanese dictionaries

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Javanese dictionaries in the universal dictionary Complex translations
Javanese to Afrikaans dictionary1,510
Javanese to Albanian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Arabic dictionary1,510
Javanese to Armenian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Basque dictionary1,510
Javanese to Bengali dictionary1,510
Javanese to Bosnian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Brazilian Portuguese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Breton dictionary1,510
Javanese to Bulgarian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Catalan dictionary1,510
Javanese to Chinese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Croatian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Czech dictionary1,510
Javanese to Danish dictionary1,510
Javanese to Dutch dictionary1,510
Javanese to English dictionary1,510
Javanese to Esperanto dictionary1,510
Javanese to Estonian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Faroese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Finnish dictionary1,510
Javanese to French dictionary1,510
Javanese to Frisian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Galician dictionary1,510
Javanese to Georgian dictionary1,510
Javanese to German dictionary1,510
Javanese to Greek dictionary1,510
Javanese to Hebrew dictionary1,510
Javanese to Hindi dictionary1,510
Javanese to Hungarian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Icelandic dictionary1,510
Javanese to Indonesian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Interlingua dictionary1,510
Javanese to Irish dictionary1,510
Javanese to Italian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Japanese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Japanese Romaji dictionary1,510
Javanese to Korean dictionary1,510
Javanese to Latin dictionary1,510
Javanese to Latvian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Lithuanian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Macedonian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Malay dictionary1,510
Javanese to Malayalam dictionary1,510
Javanese to Maltese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Marathi dictionary1,510
Javanese to Mongolian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Nepali dictionary1,510
Javanese to Norwegian Bokmal dictionary1,510
Javanese to Norwegian Nynorsk dictionary1,510
Javanese to Papiamento dictionary1,510
Javanese to Persian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Polish dictionary1,510
Javanese to Portuguese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Romanian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Russian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Serbian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Sinhala dictionary1,270
Javanese to Slovak dictionary1,510
Javanese to Slovenian dictionary1,510
Javanese to Spanish dictionary1,510
Javanese to Swahili dictionary1,510
Javanese to Swedish dictionary1,510
Javanese to Tagalog dictionary1,510
Javanese to Tamil dictionary1,510
Javanese to Telugu dictionary1,510
Javanese to Thai dictionary1,510
Javanese to Turkish dictionary1,510
Javanese to Urdu dictionary1,510
Javanese to Vietnamese dictionary1,510
Javanese to Welsh dictionary1,510
71 dictionaries106,970
Bilingual Javanese dictionaries Simple

Javanese dictionary list contains a list of online Javanese dictionaries which allow you to easily translate words between Javanese, English and many other languages. There are two types of Javanese dictionaries available. The Universal dictionary is a special type of dictionary interconnecting Javanese translations with English definitions and translations in other languages in one complex database. Then there are bilingual Javanese dictionaries which connect Javanese with other languages through separate dictionaries. Each listed Javanese dictionary has a number next to it which shows the number of translations available in the online dictionary.

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