
Interlingua vocabulary

Learn English to Interlingua vocabulary : Business

Index > Business

account conto
advantage avantage
advertisement annuncio
advice consilio
agreement accordo
attention attention
authority autorisation
banknote billet de banca
capital capital
cheque cheque
committee committee
competition competition
complaint plancto
contract contracto
copy copia
cost costo
council consilio
customer cliente
demand necessitate
department section
director director
economy economia
environment ambiente
experience experientia
firm firma
form formulario
group gruppo
help adjuta
holiday ferias
income renta
industry industria
insurance assecurantia
interest interesse
invoice conto
job empleo
leave commeato
loss perdita
management administration
mark signo
market mercato
material substantia
mean medie
meeting reunion
money moneta
occupation empleo
offer offerta
office officio
owner proprietario
package pacchetto
payment pagamento
plan designo
problem problema
product producto
profit profito
rate rata
rest resto
reward premio
sale vendita
section division
section section
service servicio
shop boteca
skill habilitate
staff personal
success successo
support appoio
table tabula
tax taxa
team equipa
trade commercio
value valor
work labor
worker obrero

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