
Interlingua vocabulary

Learn English to Interlingua vocabulary : Abstract

Index > Abstract

act acto
action action
addition addition
amount amonta, quantitate
attack attacco
attempt essayo
attitude attitude
behavior comportamento
blow colpo
break pausa
case caso
chance occasion
change cambio
choice selection
crack fissura
cut sectura
damage damno
danger periculo
death morte
decoration decoration
destruction destruction
detail detalio
duty deber
fall cadita
feature characteristica
fight combatto
front fronte
hit colpo
hole foramine
increase crescimento
internet internet
jolt succussa
kick colpo de pede
kind genere
knot nodo
list lista
matter cosa
opposite opposite
outburst explosion
part parte
piece pecia
place loco
position loco
power poter
project projecto
quiet quiete
reach distantia de tiro
report relation
rest reposo
return retorno
rise ascension
risk hasardo
seat loco
silence quiete
slice fragmento
step passo
stop arresto
thing objecto
top culmine
touch tocco
treatment tractamento
trick artificio
type typo
way maniera
whole tote
will voluntate
wish desiro

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