
Free dictionary download

Free dictionary download


Free dictionaries and language software

Download bilingual dictionaries
Directly from the Universal dictionary system. You can download any bilingual dictionary between more then 60 world languages from several dictionary databases.

Dictionaries for smartphones and PDAs
Collection of dictionary applications for smartphones, cellphones and PDAs.

Language software and dictionaries
List of available language software and dictionary applications.

Multilingual glossaries

Multilingual dictionary
Microsoft terminology database
Geonames multilingual database Projet Babel

English language resources and thesauri

Moby project
Kevin's word list page
OpenOffice thesauri
German thesaurus
Polish thesaurus
Portuguese thesaurus
Spanish thesaurus
Norwegian thesaurus

Word frequency lists for download

English based on BNC
Russian wordlists
French wordlist
English, German, French, Dutch
Oxford English 3000 words
Basic vocabulary with translations in 60 languages

More resources you can download for free

OpenClipart.org - Large collection of free cliparts
Most frequent words
Top 1000 words on the net
Basic English words
Bible dictionaries
Euro parliament corpora
Corpora Univerzitaet Leipzig
OpenOffice spellchecker wordlists
EU Directorate-General for Translation
DGT Multilingual Translation Memory

Collections of downloadable free dictionaries

Wiktionary, Pop-up dictionary, Wordgumbo, GoldenDict, Bilingual dictionaries from wiktionary, Apertium Spanish bilingual dictionaries

Lists of online dictionaries


Other free dictionary projects

Wordweb application (based on WordNet)
dict.cc, tu-chemnitz.de - English-German dictionaries
English-Spanish - Pythonol
English-Catalan - Dacco
Japanese-English - EDICT Japanese-English dictionary
German-Norwegian - Free German-Norwegian dictionary
French-Japanese dictionary - Dictionnaire Francais-Japonais
English-Danish - Free English-Danish dictionary
Gaelic dictionaries - Gaelic dictionaries
Words - Latin-English dictionary
Welsh - English-Welsh dictionary
Hungarian - English-Hungarian downloadable dictionary
English-Polish dictionary
English-Arabic - Arabeyes
Kamusi - English-Swahili dictionary
Japanese-French - Japanese-French dictionary
Japanese-German - Japanese-German dictionary
Chinese, Japanese, Thai - Papillon dictionary project
Chinese - CEDICT Chinese-English dictionary
Chinese - Chinese-German dictionary
Vietnamese - Vietnamese dictionaries
Longdo - Thai dictionaries
Eskimo-English - Free Eskimo-English dictionary
Xfardic - Persian dictionary
Hindi - English-Hindi dictionary
Hindi - Hindi dictionaries
Sanskrit - English-Sanskrit dictionary
Urdu - English-Urdu dictionary
Interlingua - English-Interlingua dictionary
Nepali - Nepali dictionaries
Kiribati - English-Kiribati dictionary
Yiddish - Yiddish dictionary
Papiamento - Papiamento-English dictionary
Ainu - Ainu-English dictionary
Urdu - English-Urdu dictionary

About free dictionary download page

This page contains a list of dictionaries you can download for free. Each free dictionary we discover is added to this list. It is important to have freely available dictionaries and other language related resources so you can learn languages free of charge. If you find a new free downloadable dictionary please tell us

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