
Danish to Italian dictionary

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This Danish to Italian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Danish to Italian and Italian to Danish translations will be listed at once.

æble (n) mela (f)
betalingsmiddel (n) denaro (m); soldi
blomst fiore (m)
bog libro (m)
broder; bror fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4)
by città (f)
døgn (n); dag giorno (m)
dreng bambino (m) (child); ragazzo (m) (teenager)
dyr animale (m); bestia (f)
far; fader padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m)
fred pace (f)
frugt frutta (f); frutto (m)
hej; dav; god dag; hallo ciao; salve; buongiorno
hest cavallo (m)
hund cane (m)
hus (n) casa (f); casa
huskat; kat gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f)
ild fuoco (m); fiamma (f)
kærlighed; romantik amore (m)
kvinde donna (f)
læse leggere
lytte ascoltare
mad; føde cibo (m); alimento (m)
mand uomo (m)
moder; mor madre (f)
nej no
pige bambina (f); (f)
skole scuola (f)
skrive scrivere
søster sorella (f)
spædbarn bambino (m); bambina (f); bimbo (m); bimba (f); bebè (m)
tak grazie
tid tempo (m)
træ (n) albero (m)
vand acqua (f)
ven (m); veninde (f); kammerat amico (m); amica (f)
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