
English to German dictionary

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This English to German dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to German and German to English translations will be listed at once.

animal Tier (n)
apple Apfel (m)
baby Baby (n); Säugling (m); Kleinkind (n)
book Buch (n)
boy Junge (m); Knabe (m); Bub (m)
brother Bruder (m)
cat Katze (f); Kater (m); Kätzin (f)
city Stadt (f)
day Tag (m)
dog Hund (m); Rüde (m); Hündin (f)
father Vater (m)
fire Feuer (n)
flower Blume (f)
food Nahrung (f); Essen (n); Lebensmittel (n)
friend Freund (m); Freundin (f)
fruit Frucht (f)
girl Mädchen (n)
go gehen; fahren
hello hallo; guten Tag; servus; grüß Gott
horse Pferd (n); Ross (n); Pferdehengst (m); Pferdestute (f)
house Haus (n); Häuser
listen hören; zuhören
love Liebe (f)
man Mann (m); Herr (m)
money Geld (n)
mother Mutter (f)
no nein
peace Frieden (m); Friede (m); Scheinfriede (m)
read lesen
school Schule (f)
sister Schwester (f)
thank you danke; danke schön; vielen Dank
time Zeit (f)
tree Baum (m); Baum
water Wasser (n)
woman Frau (f)
write schreiben
yes ja
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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