This English to Lithuanian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Lithuanian and Lithuanian to English translations will be listed at once.
animal gyvūnas (m) apple obuolys (m) baby kūdikis (m) book knyga (f) boy berniukas (m) brother brolis (m) (1,2,3) cat katė (f); katinas (m) city miestas day para; diena (f) dog kalė (f) father tėvas fire ugnis flower žiedas (m); gėlė (f) food maistas (m) friend draugas fruit vaisius (m) girl mergina (f); mergaitė (f) go eiti hello labas, sveikas (italbrac'informal), sveiki (formal) horse arklys; žirgas (m) | house namas (n) listen klausyti love meilė man vyras (m) money pinigai (m) mother motė (f); motina (f) no ne school mokykla (f) sister sesuo thank you ačiū time laikas (m) tree medis (m) woman moteris (f) write rašyti yes taip |
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