
English to Portuguese dictionary / Dicionário Inglês - Português

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This English to Portuguese dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English translations will be listed at once.

animal animal (m); besta (f)
apple maçã (f)
book livro (m)
boy garoto (m), garotinho (m), menino (m), petiz (m), guri (m), infante, pueril (child); moço (m), mocinho (m), rapaz (m), rapazote (m), rapazinho (m), mancebo (m), jovem (adolescent, lad, young male); pequerrucho (m), piquiticu (m), petitinho (m), catatau (m), baixinho (m), moleque (m), pivete (m), fedelho (m) (informal); putinho (m) (child / Portugal)
brother irmão (m)
cat gato (m); gata (f); gato-doméstico (m)
city cidade (f)
day dia (m)
dog cão (m); cadela (f); cachorro (m); cachorra (f)
father pai (m)
fire fogo (m)
flower flor (f)
food comida (f); alimento (m)
friend amigo (m); amiga (f)
fruit fruta ('collective') (f), fruto (m)
girl menina (f); garotinha (f); meninota (f); menininha (f); puela (f); (f) moça (f); rapariga (f); jovem (f); mocinha (f); moçoila (f)
go ir
hello oi; olá; e aí
horse cavalo (m); égua (f)
house casa (f)
listen escutar
love amor (m)
man homem (m); varão (m)
money dinheiro (m)
mother mãe (f)
no não
peace paz (f)
read ler
school escola (f); colégio (m)
sister irmã (f)
thank you obrigado (said by male); obrigada (said by female); bem haja
time tempo (m)
tree árvore (f)
woman mulher (f)
write escrever; redigir
yes sim
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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