This English to Dutch dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Dutch and Dutch to English translations will be listed at once.
animal dier (n); beest (n) apple appel (m) baby #Dutch'baby (m'f), zuigeling (m'f), pasgeborene (m'f) book boek (n) boy jongen (m); knaap (m) brother broer (m), broeder (m) (formal) cat huiskat; kat (m); poes (f); kater (m) city stad (f) day dag (m); etmaal (n) dog hond (m) father vader (m); papa fire vuur (n) flower bloem (f) food voedsel (n); eten (n) friend vriend, vriendje (m), vriendin, vriendinnetje (f), maatje (m'f) fruit fruit (n); vrucht (f) girl meisje (n); meid (f); meidje (n); griet (f); grietje (n) go gaan hello hallo, hoi, dag (informal), goede dag (formal) horse paard (n); (n) | house huis (n); onderkomen (n) listen luisteren; naar love liefde (f) man man (m); heer (m) money geld (n) mother moeder (f) no nee#Dutch'nee, neen (formal) peace vrede (f); peis (f) read lezen school school (f) sister zus (f); zuster (f) thank you dank u, dank je, dankjewel, bedankt time tijd (m) tree boom (m) water water (n) woman vrouw (f) write schrijven yes ja |
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