
French to Portuguese dictionary

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This French to Portuguese dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both French to Portuguese and Portuguese to French translations will be listed at once.

aller ir
ami (m); amie (f) amigo (m); amiga (f)
amour (m) amor (m)
animal (m); bête (f) animal (m); besta (f)
arbre (m) árvore (f)
argent (m) dinheiro (m)
chat (m); chatte (f) gato (m); gata (f); gato-doméstico (m)
cheval (m) cavalo (m); égua (f)
chien (m) cão (m); cadela (f); cachorro (m); cachorra (f)
école (f); collège (m) escola (f); colégio (m)
écouter escutar
écrire escrever; redigir
femme (f) mulher (f)
feu (m) fogo (m)
fille (f); jeune fille (f) menina (f); garotinha (f); meninota (f); menininha (f); puela (f); (f) moça (f); rapariga (f); jovem (f); mocinha (f); moçoila (f)
fleur (f) flor (f)
frère (m) irmão (m)
fruit (m) fruta ('collective') (f), fruto (m)
garçon (m) garoto (m), garotinho (m), menino (m), petiz (m), guri (m), infante, pueril (child); moço (m), mocinho (m), rapaz (m), rapazote (m), rapazinho (m), mancebo (m), jovem (adolescent, lad, young male); pequerrucho (m), piquiticu (m), petitinho (m), catatau (m), baixinho (m), moleque (m), pivete (m), fedelho (m) (informal); putinho (m) (child / Portugal)
homme (m) homem (m); varão (m)
jour (m); journée (f) dia (m)
lire ler
livre (m); bouquin (m) livro (m)
maison (f) casa (f)
merci; je vous remercie obrigado (said by male); obrigada (said by female); bem haja
mère (f) mãe (f)
non não
nourriture (f); alimentation (f); manger (m); bouffe (f) comida (f); alimento (m)
oui sim
paix paz (f)
père (m); papa pai (m)
pomme (f) maçã (f)
salut; bonjour oi; olá; e aí
sœur (f) irmã (f)
temps (m) tempo (m)
ville (f) cidade (f)
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