This Italian to Slovak dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Italian to Slovak and Slovak to Italian translations will be listed at once.
albero (m) strom (m) amore (m) láska (f) andare ísť ('by vehicle'), ísť ('by walking') animale (m); bestia (f) živočích (m); zviera (n) ascoltare počúvať bambina (f); (f) dievča (n) bambino (m) (child); ragazzo (m) (teenager) chlapec (m) cane (m) pes (m); suka (f) casa (f); casa dom (m) cavallo (m) kôň (m) ciao; salve; buongiorno ahoj; servus; dobrý deň cibo (m); alimento (m) jedlo (n); strava (f) denaro (m); soldi peniaze donna (f) žena (f) fiore (m) kvet (m) fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4) brat (m) frutta (f); frutto (m) ovocie (n) fuoco (m); fiamma (f) oheň (m) gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f) mačka (f); kocúr (m) grazie ďakujem; ďakujeme | leggere čítať libro (m) kniha (f) madre (f) matka (f) mela (f) jablko (n) no nie pace (f) mier (m) padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m) otec ('formally, officially'), tato ('usually used only by children'), tatko <!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little father", nice/beloved father,-->('usually used only by children'), tatíčko<!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little little father")-->, tati ('vocative'; 'usually used by children'), foter (pejorative) (m) scrivere písať scuola (f) škola (f) sì áno; hej sorella (f) sestra (f) uomo (m) muž |
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