
Latin to English dictionary

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bubalus (m) buffalo
bulla (f) bubble
Bubo bubo (Linnaeus) eagle owl
bubula (f) beef
gena (f); bucca cheek
buccina (f); trumpeta (f) trumpet
bufo (m) toad
ferveo; bullio boil
nodum in scirpo quero ('to look for knots in a bulrush') make a mountain out of a molehill
buffalo bubalus (m)
bubble bulla (f)
bucket situla (f); hama (f)
build munio'mūniō, munīre, munīvī, munītus
building aedificium (n)
bull taurus
bull bos (m)
bulldog Molossus
buoy attollo (m)
burden sarcina
burn ardeo; aestuo
burn incendo
businessman negotiator

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