
Latin to English dictionary

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eo; vado; gradior go
eo, illuc, istuc there
id; id; ei; id; ei; eo; illud; illud; illi; illo; hoc; huic; hoc; ei (m); illi (dative); huic (m); eum (m) (acc); eam (f) (acc); id (n) (acc); illum (m) (acc); illam (f) (acc); illud (n) (acc); hunc (m) (acc); hanc (f) (acc); hoc (n) (dative); illam (acc); illo (m); illa (f) (ablative); illum (n) (acc); illi (m); illi (m); illi (m); illi (m); eo (m); eum (m) (acc); ea (ablative); ei (m); huic (m); hoc (m); hac (f) (ablative); eam (f) (acc); illud (n) (acc); id (n) (acc); hoc (acc) it
illuc; eodem thither
suus (m); sua (f); suum (n); sui (m); suae (f); sua (n); illorum (m); illorum (m); illarum (m); eorum (m); earum (m); horum (m); harum (m); illarum (m) their
suus; eorum; earum; illorum; illarum; horum; harum theirs

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