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id; hoc; illud; illa (f); ille (m); illud (n); is (m); ea (f); id (n); hic (m); haec (f); hoc (n) it
hic (m); haec (f); hoc (n); is (m); ea; id (n); ille; illa (f); illud (n) this
iste (m); ista (f); istud (n); is (m); ea (f); id (n); ille (m); illa (n); illud (n); hic (m); haec (f); hoc (n) that
sic puto, sic censeo, sic cogito, id credo I think so
id; id; ei; id; ei; eo; illud; illud; illi; illo; hoc; huic; hoc; ei (m); illi (dative); huic (m); eum (m) (acc); eam (f) (acc); id (n) (acc); illum (m) (acc); illam (f) (acc); illud (n) (acc); hunc (m) (acc); hanc (f) (acc); hoc (n) (dative); illam (acc); illo (m); illa (f) (ablative); illum (n) (acc); illi (m); illi (m); illi (m); illi (m); eo (m); eum (m) (acc); ea (ablative); ei (m); huic (m); hoc (m); hac (f) (ablative); eam (f) (acc); illud (n) (acc); id (n) (acc); hoc (acc) it
id est that is
idea thought
etiam; quoque; et; et quidem; item; idem too
idem; eadem (f); idem (n) same
idem (m) same
idiota (m) idiot
insimul; idipsum; inter se together
idea informatio (f)
idiot idiota (m)

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