
Slovak to Spanish dictionary

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This Slovak to Spanish dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Slovak to Spanish and Spanish to Slovak translations will be listed at once.

ahoj; servus; dobrý deň hola; buenos días; qué tal
áno; hej sí#Spanish'sí, simón (colloquial, Mexico, Guatemala)
brat (m) hermano (m)
chlapec (m) niño (m) (gloss'child), chico (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), muchacho (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), chaval (m) (slang), varón (m), (gloss'gender specification: boy or girl?) ¿varón o mujer?
čítať leer
ďakujem; ďakujeme gracias; muchas gracias
dievča (n) niña (f); muchacha (f); chica (f)
dom (m) casa (f)
ísť ('by vehicle'), ísť ('by walking') ir
jablko (n) manzana (f)
jedlo (n); strava (f) alimento (m); comida (f)
kniha (f) libro (m)
kôň (m) caballo (m); yegua (f)
kvet (m) flor (f)
láska (f) amor (m)
mačka (f); kocúr (m) gato (m); gata (f)
matka (f) madre (f)
mier (m) paz (f)
muž varón (m); hombre (m)
nie no
oheň (m) fuego (m)
otec ('formally, officially'), tato ('usually used only by children'), tatko <!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little father", nice/beloved father,-->('usually used only by children'), tatíčko<!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little little father")-->, tati ('vocative'; 'usually used by children'), foter (pejorative) (m) padre (m)
ovocie (n) fruta (f); fruto (m)
peniaze dinero (m); cobres (m); lana; pasta; pisto (m); plata (f); real (m)
pes (m); suka (f) perro (m)
písať escribir
počúvať escuchar
sestra (f) hermana (f)
škola (f) escuela (f)
strom (m) árbol (m)
žena (f) mujer (f)
živočích (m); zviera (n) animal (m); bestia (f)
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