
Albanian to Basque dictionary

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This Albanian to Basque dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Albanian to Basque and Basque to Albanian translations will be listed at once.

baba aita
burrë; trim gizon; gizaseme; gizonki
dashuri (f) maitea#Basque'maitea
dru (m); pemë (f) zuhaitz
ecën joan
faleminderit; ju falem nderit eskerrik asko
foshnja jaioberri
grua; femër andre; emakume
jo ez
kalë zaldi
libër liburu
lule (f) lore
mace (f) katu
mollë (f) sagar
nënë, mëmë ama
paqe (f) bake
para diru
po bai
qen (m) txakur, etxe-txakur
qytet hiri
shkruan idatzi
shtëpi etxe
tungjatjeta kaixo
ushqim (m) janari
vajzë neska
vëlla anai '(brother of a male)', neba '(brother of a female)'
zjarr (m) su
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