
Azeri to Portuguese dictionary

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This Azeri to Portuguese dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Azeri to Portuguese and Portuguese to Azeri translations will be listed at once.

ağac árvore (f)
alma maçã (f)
ana mãe (f)
at cavalo (m); égua (f)
ata pai (m)
bacı irmã (f)
bəli sim
çiçək flor (f)
dost amigo (m); amiga (f)
eşq amor (m)
ev casa (f)
heyvan animal (m); besta (f)
it; köpək cão (m); cadela (f); cachorro (m); cachorra (f)
kitab livro (m)
meyvə fruta ('collective') (f), fruto (m)
məktəb escola (f); colégio (m)
od; atəş fogo (m)
oğlan garoto (m), garotinho (m), menino (m), petiz (m), guri (m), infante, pueril (child); moço (m), mocinho (m), rapaz (m), rapazote (m), rapazinho (m), mancebo (m), jovem (adolescent, lad, young male); pequerrucho (m), piquiticu (m), petitinho (m), catatau (m), baixinho (m), moleque (m), pivete (m), fedelho (m) (informal); putinho (m) (child / Portugal)
pişik gato (m); gata (f); gato-doméstico (m)
pul dinheiro (m)
qadın mulher (f)
qardaş irmão (m)
qız menina (f); garotinha (f); meninota (f); menininha (f); puela (f); (f) moça (f); rapariga (f); jovem (f); mocinha (f); moçoila (f)
salam oi; olá; e aí
şəhər cidade (f)
sülh paz (f)
təşəkkür; sağ ol; təşəkkür edirəm; çox razıyam obrigado (said by male); obrigada (said by female); bem haja
yazmaq escrever; redigir
yox não
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