
Danish to Latin dictionary

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This Danish to Latin dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Danish to Latin and Latin to Danish translations will be listed at once.

æble (n) malum
betalingsmiddel (n) pecunia (f)
blomst flos (m)
bog liber (m); codex (m)
broder; bror frater (m)
by urbs (f); civitas (f)
døgn (n); dag dies (m); lux (f)
dreng puer (m); adulescens
dyr animal (n); bestia (f)
far; fader pater (m)
fred pax (f)
frugt fructus (m), frux (f), fruges (p)
eo; vado; gradior
hej; dav; god dag; hallo salve; ave
hest equus (m); caballus (m)
hund canis
hus (n) domus (f); casa (f); aedis (f)
huskat; kat feles (f); cattus (m)
ild ignis (m); focus (m); flamma (f)
ja sic
kærlighed; romantik amor (m)
kvinde femina (f); mulier (f)
læse legere
lytte ausculto; audio; exaudio
mad; føde cibus (m); pabulum (n); esca (f); cibaria; alimentum (n); pulmentum
mand vir; mas (m)
moder; mor mater (f); genetrix (f)
nej non; minime
pige puella (f); pura (f); puera (f); adolescens (f)
skole collegium (n); ludus (m); schola (f)
skrive scribo
søster soror (f)
spædbarn infans
tak benigne dicis; tibi gratias ago
tid tempus (n)
træ (n) arbor (f)
vand aqua (f)
ven (m); veninde (f); kammerat amicus (m); amica (f)
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