
Galician to Icelandic dictionary

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This Galician to Icelandic dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Galician to Icelandic and Icelandic to Galician translations will be listed at once.

árbore (f) tré
atender; escoitar hlusta
auga (f) vatn (n)
cabalo (m) hestur (m); hross (n)
can (m), cadela (f) hundur (m)
casa (f) hús (n); híbýli (n)
día (m) dagur (m)
diñeiro (m) peningur (m); fé (n)
escribir skrifa; rita
flor (f) blóm (n)
froita (f) ávöxtur (m); aldin (n)
gato köttur (m); kisa (f)
ler lesa
lume (m) eldur (m); bál (n)
mazá (f) epli (n)
muller kona (f); kvenmaður (m)
ola halló; hæ; góðan dag; góðan daginn
vez (f) tími (m); (f)
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