
German to Interlingua dictionary

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This German to Interlingua dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both German to Interlingua and Interlingua to German translations will be listed at once.

Apfel (m) pomo
Baby (n); Säugling (m); Kleinkind (n) baby, bebe
Baum (m); Baum arbore
Blume (f) flor
Bruder (m) fratre
Frau (f) femina
Freund (m); Freundin (f) amico#Interlingua'amico
Frieden (m); Friede (m); Scheinfriede (m) pace
Frucht (f) fructo
gehen; fahren vader
Geld (n) moneta
hallo; guten Tag; servus; grüß Gott bon die
Haus (n); Häuser casa
hören; zuhören ascoltar
Hund (m); Rüde (m); Hündin (f) can#Interlingua'can
Junge (m); Knabe (m); Bub (m) (m)
Katze (f); Kater (m); Kätzin (f) catto (m), catta (f)
Liebe (f) amor
Mädchen (n) puera (child)
Mann (m); Herr (m) homine
Mutter (f) matre
Nahrung (f); Essen (n); Lebensmittel (n) alimento#Interlingua'alimento
nein no#Interlingua'no
Pferd (n); Ross (n); Pferdehengst (m); Pferdestute (f) cavallo (m)
Schule (f) schola
Schwester (f) soror
Stadt (f) citate
Tier (n) animal, bestia
Vater (m) patre
Wasser (n) aqua
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