
Icelandic to Marathi dictionary

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This Icelandic to Marathi dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Icelandic to Marathi and Marathi to Icelandic translations will be listed at once.

ávöxtur (m); aldin (n) फळ (phala)
blóm (n) फूल
bók (f) पुस्तक (pustak)
dýr (n) जनावर
eldur (m); bál (n) अग्नि (agni)
epli (n) सफरचंद (safarchand)
halló; hæ; góðan dag; góðan daginn नमस्कार (namaskār)
hestur (m); hross (n) घोडा
hlusta ऐकणे (aikaNe)
hundur (m) कुत्रा (kutra)
karlmaður (m); karl (m); maður (m) माणूस
kona (f); kvenmaður (m) बाइको; स्त्री (f) (strī)
köttur (m); kisa (f) मांजर (mānjar) (f), बोका (bokā) (m)
skrifa; rita लिहिणें
stúlka (f); stelpa (f); telpa (f) मुल्गी (f) (mulagi)
takk; þakka धन्यवाद (dhanyavād)
tré झाड (zhād); वृक्ष
vatn (n) पाणी (pāṇī); जल (jal)
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