
Interlingua to Icelandic dictionary

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This Interlingua to Icelandic dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Interlingua to Icelandic and Icelandic to Interlingua translations will be listed at once.

(m) strákur (m); drengur (m); piltur (m); sveinn (m)
alimento#Interlingua'alimento matur (m); fæði (n)
amico#Interlingua'amico vinur (m); vinkona (f); vinstúlka (f)
amor elska
animal, bestia dýr (n)
aqua vatn (n)
arbore tré
ascoltar hlusta
baby, bebe ungbarn (n); ungabarn (n); kornabarn (n)
bon die halló; hæ; góðan dag; góðan daginn
can#Interlingua'can hundur (m)
casa hús (n); híbýli (n)
catto (m), catta (f) köttur (m); kisa (f)
cavallo (m) hestur (m); hross (n)
citate borg (f)
femina kona (f); kvenmaður (m)
flor blóm (n)
fratre bróðir
fructo ávöxtur (m); aldin (n)
homine karlmaður (m); karl (m); maður (m)
matre móðir (f)
moneta peningur (m); fé (n)
no#Interlingua'no nei
pace friður (m); friðartími (m)
patre faðir (m)
pomo epli (n)
puera (child) stúlka (f); stelpa (f); telpa (f)
schola skóli (m)
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