This Latin to English dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Latin to English and English to Latin translations will be listed at once.
amicus (m); amica (f) friend amor (m) love animal (n); bestia (f) animal aqua (f) water arbor (f) tree ausculto; audio; exaudio listen benigne dicis; tibi gratias ago thank you canis dog cibus (m); pabulum (n); esca (f); cibaria; alimentum (n); pulmentum food collegium (n); ludus (m); schola (f) school dies (m); lux (f) day domus (f); casa (f); aedis (f) house eo; vado; gradior go equus (m); caballus (m) horse feles (f); cattus (m) cat femina (f); mulier (f) woman flos (m) flower frater (m) brother fructus (m), frux (f), fruges (p) fruit ignis (m); focus (m); flamma (f) fire | infans baby legere read liber (m); codex (m) book malum apple mater (f); genetrix (f) mother non; minime no pater (m) father pax (f) peace pecunia (f) money puella (f); pura (f); puera (f); adolescens (f) girl puer (m); adulescens boy salve; ave hello scribo write sic yes soror (f) sister tempus (n) time urbs (f); civitas (f) city vir; mas (m) man |
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