
Lithuanian to German dictionary

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This Lithuanian to German dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Lithuanian to German and German to Lithuanian translations will be listed at once.

ačiū danke; danke schön; vielen Dank
arklys; žirgas (m) Pferd (n); Ross (n); Pferdehengst (m); Pferdestute (f)
berniukas (m) Junge (m); Knabe (m); Bub (m)
brolis (m) (1,2,3) Bruder (m)
draugas Freund (m); Freundin (f)
eiti gehen; fahren
gyvūnas (m) Tier (n)
kalė (f) Hund (m); Rüde (m); Hündin (f)
katė (f); katinas (m) Katze (f); Kater (m); Kätzin (f)
klausyti hören; zuhören
knyga (f) Buch (n)
kūdikis (m) Baby (n); Säugling (m); Kleinkind (n)
labas, sveikas (italbrac'informal), sveiki (formal) hallo; guten Tag; servus; grüß Gott
laikas (m) Zeit (f)
maistas (m) Nahrung (f); Essen (n); Lebensmittel (n)
medis (m) Baum (m); Baum
meilė Liebe (f)
mergina (f); mergaitė (f) Mädchen (n)
miestas Stadt (f)
mokykla (f) Schule (f)
motė (f); motina (f) Mutter (f)
moteris (f) Frau (f)
namas (n) Haus (n); Häuser
ne nein
obuolys (m) Apfel (m)
para; diena (f) Tag (m)
pinigai (m) Geld (n)
rašyti schreiben
sesuo Schwester (f)
taip ja
tėvas Vater (m)
ugnis Feuer (n)
vaisius (m) Frucht (f)
vyras (m) Mann (m); Herr (m)
žiedas (m); gėlė (f) Blume (f)
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