
Malay to Spanish dictionary

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This Malay to Spanish dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Malay to Spanish and Spanish to Malay translations will be listed at once.

abang hermano (m)
anak laki-laki, putra niño (m) (gloss'child), chico (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), muchacho (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), chaval (m) (slang), varón (m), (gloss'gender specification: boy or girl?) ¿varón o mujer?
anjing; asu perro (m)
api; pawaka fuego (m)
ayah; bapak; rama padre (m)
bayi bebé (m); nene (m); niño (m); niña (f); bebe (m); guagua (f)
binatang; haiwan animal (m); bestia (f)
buah fruta (f); fruto (m)
buku; kitab; pustaka libro (m)
bunga flor (f)
dengar escuchar
epal manzana (f)
hari día (m)
kakak hermana (f)
kawan; teman; sahabat amigo (m); amiga (f)
kucing gato (m); gata (f)
kuda caballo (m); yegua (f)
lelaki varón (m); hombre (m)
menulis escribir
pokok árbol (m)
rumah casa (f)
sekolah; maktab escuela (f)
terima kasih gracias; muchas gracias
wang dinero (m); cobres (m); lana; pasta; pisto (m); plata (f); real (m)
wanita mujer (f)
ya; ha'ah sí#Spanish'sí, simón (colloquial, Mexico, Guatemala)
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