
Maltese to Basque dictionary

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This Maltese to Basque dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Maltese to Basque and Basque to Maltese translations will be listed at once.

bejt (m) etxe
belt hiri
bonġu (before 12:00 p.m.), bonswa (after 12:00 p.m.) kaixo
fjura lore
grazzi eskerrik asko
ħu anai '(brother of a male)', neba '(brother of a female)'
ilma (m) ur
iva bai
kelb (m), kelba (f) txakur, etxe-txakur
ktieb liburu
le ez
mara andre; emakume
missier aita
nar (f) su
qara erakurri; leitu
qattus (m); qattusa (f); qtates katu
raġel gizon; gizaseme; gizonki
siġra zuhaitz
tarbija jaioberri
tfajla (f) neska
tikteb idatzi
tuffieħa sagar
żiemel zaldi
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