
Norwegian Bokmal to Interlingua dictionary

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This Norwegian Bokmal to Interlingua dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Norwegian Bokmal to Interlingua and Interlingua to Norwegian Bokmal translations will be listed at once.

blomst (m) flor
bror (m) fratre
by citate
dyr animal, bestia
eple (n) pomo
far; pappa; fader patre
fred (m) pace
frukt (m) fructo
hallo; hei; god dag; halla; heisann bon die
hest (m) cavallo (m)
hund (m); bikkje (f) can#Interlingua'can
hus (n) casa
huskatt (m); katt (m); katte (f) catto (m), catta (f)
kjærlighet (m) amor
kvinne; dame femina
lytte ascoltar
mann (m) homine
mat (m); føde (m); næring (m) alimento#Interlingua'alimento
mor; mamma; moder matre
nei no#Interlingua'no
penger moneta
reise; fare; dra vader
skole (m) schola
søster; storesøster; lillesøster soror
spebarn (n) baby, bebe
tre (n) arbore
vann (n) aqua
venn (m); venninne (f) amico#Interlingua'amico
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