
Romanian to Irish dictionary

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This Romanian to Irish dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Romanian to Irish and Irish to Romanian translations will be listed at once.

(m) madra (m); gadhar (m); madadh (m)
a merge, a duce téigh
aliment (n); mâncare (f); hrană (f) bia
amic (m); amică (f); (m) prietenă (f) cara (m)
amor; iubire grá (m)
arbore (m); copac (m); pom (m) crann (m)
asculta éist
băiat; fiu buachaill (m); garsún (m)
ban (m) airgead (m)
bărbat (m) fear (m); fir
bebe (m); bebeluș (m) leanbh
cal capall (m); each (m); capaill (m)
carte (f) leabhar (m)
casă (f) teach (m); tithe
citi; lectura léigh
fată (f); copilă (f) cailín (m)
femeie (f); muiere (f); doamnă bean (f); mná; ban (f)
floare (f) bláth; plúr (m)
foc (n) tine (m)
frate (m) deartháir (m)
fruct (m); rod (m); poamă toradh; meas (m)
mamă (f) máthair (f)
măr (n) úll (m)
mulțumesc; mersi go raibh maith agat (to one person), go raibh maith agaibh (to more than one person)
oraș (n); cetate (f); urbe (f) cathair (f)
pace (f) síocháin (f)
pisică (f) cat (m)
salut, bună, noroc (informal), bună ziua (formal), servus Dia dhuit; Dia is Muire dhuit; haileo
școală (f) scoil (f)
scrie scríobh
soră (f) deirfiúr (m)
tată (m) athair (m)
zi (f) lá (m)
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