
Slovak to Albanian dictionary

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This Slovak to Albanian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Slovak to Albanian and Albanian to Slovak translations will be listed at once.

ahoj; servus; dobrý deň tungjatjeta
áno; hej po
brat (m) vëlla
ďakujem; ďakujeme faleminderit; ju falem nderit
dievča (n) vajzë
dom (m) shtëpi
ísť ('by vehicle'), ísť ('by walking') ecën
jablko (n) mollë (f)
jedlo (n); strava (f) ushqim (m)
kniha (f) libër
kôň (m) kalë
kvet (m) lule (f)
láska (f) dashuri (f)
mačka (f); kocúr (m) mace (f)
matka (f) nënë, mëmë
mier (m) paqe (f)
muž burrë; trim
nie jo
oheň (m) zjarr (m)
otec ('formally, officially'), tato ('usually used only by children'), tatko <!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little father", nice/beloved father,-->('usually used only by children'), tatíčko<!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little little father")-->, tati ('vocative'; 'usually used by children'), foter (pejorative) (m) baba
ovocie (n) frutë (m)
peniaze para
pes (m); suka (f) qen (m)
písať shkruan
počúvať dëgjoj, ndëgjoj
sestra (f) motër (f)
škola (f) shkollë (f)
strom (m) dru (m); pemë (f)
žena (f) grua; femër
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