
Slovenian to English dictionary

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This Slovenian to English dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Slovenian to English and English to Slovenian translations will be listed at once.

brat (m) brother
brati read
čas (m) time
cvet flower
da; ja yes
dan day
dekle (n) girl
denar (m) money
drevo (n) tree
fant (m); deček (m) boy
hiša (f) house
hrana (f) food
hvala thank you
iti; oditi go
jabolko (n) apple
knjiga (f) book
konj (m) horse
ljubezen (f) love
maček (m); mačka (f) cat
mati (f) mother
mesto (n) city
mir (m) peace
moški (m); mož (m) man
ne no
oče (m), očka (m), tata (m) ('dialect'), ata (m) ('dialect') father
ogenj (m) fire
pes (m); psica (f) dog
pisati write
poslušati listen
prijatelj (m); prijateljica (f) friend
sadež (m); plod (m) fruit
sestra (f) sister
šola (f) school
ženska (f); žena (f) woman
žival (f); zver (f) animal
živjo, zdravo (italbrac'informal); dober dan, pozdravljeni (formal) hello
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