
Swedish to Maltese dictionary

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This Swedish to Maltese dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Swedish to Maltese and Maltese to Swedish translations will be listed at once.

äpple (n) tuffieħa
blomma fjura
bok ktieb
bror; broder ħu
eld; brand nar (f)
fader; far; pappa missier
flicka; tjej; jänta; tös tfajla (f)
hallå; hej; god dag; tjena; hejsan bonġu (before 12:00 p.m.), bonswa (after 12:00 p.m.)
häst; russ; fåle żiemel
hund; hynda (f) kelb (m), kelba (f)
hus (n) bejt (m)
ja iva
katt qattus (m); qattusa (f); qtates
kvinna mara
läsa qara
man; karl raġel
nej le
skola skola
skriva tikteb
spädbarn; baby tarbija
stad belt
syster oħt (f)
tack grazzi
tid darba
träd (n) siġra
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