
Hepatology dictionary :: translations

   Index > Hepatology

Acanthocyte Acantocita
Bile Bile
Bile Duct Sistema Biliare
Bilirubin Bilirubina
Cholecystitis Colecistite
Cholecystokinin Colecistochinina
Common Bile Duct Coledoco
Echinococcus Echinococco
Fatty Liver Steatosi Epatica
Gallbladder Cistifellea
Gallstone Colelitiasi
Gaucher's Disease Malattia Di Gaucher
Glucagon Glucagone
Glycogen Glicogeno
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Epatocarcinoma
Jaundice Ittero
Portal Hypertension Ipertensione Portale
Reye's Syndrome Sindrome Di Reye
Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasi
Transaminase Transaminasi
Wilson's Disease Malattia Di Wilson
Xanthoma Xantoma
Yellow Fever Febbre Gialla

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