
Plant Morphology dictionary :: translations

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Abscission Abscissione
Accessory Fruit Falso Frutto
Achene Achenio
Aquatic Plant Pianta Acquatica
Aril Arillo
Berry Bacca
Bract Brattea
Bulb Bulbo (pianta)
Caryopsis Cariosside
Catkin Amento
Cereus Cereus
Chaff Gluma
Chalaza Calaza
Corm Cormo
Cotyledon Cotiledone
Dehiscence (botany) Indeiscenza
Drupe Drupa
Ear (botany) Spiga
Endosperm Endosperma
Epiphyte Piante Epifite
Ficus Ficus
Flower Fiore
Fruit Frutto
Gametophyte Gametofito
Germination Germinazione
Gynoecium Carpello (botanica)
Head (botany) Capolino
Husk Gluma
Inflorescence Infiorescenza
Legume Baccello
Liana Liana
Ligule Ligula
Lithophyte Litofita
Nut (fruit) Noce (botanica)
Ovary (plants) Ovario (botanica)
Ovule Ovulo (botanica)
Parthenocarpy Partenocarpia
Peduncle (botany) Peduncolo (botanica)
Petal Petalo
Pollen Polline
Pome Pomo
Pseudobulb Pseudobulbo
Raceme Racemo (botanica)
Rachis Rachide (botanica)
Samara (fruit) Samara (frutto)
Seed Seme
Sepal Sepalo
Shoot Germoglio
Shrub Arbusto
Spadix Spadice
Sporophyll Sporofillo
Sporophyte Sporofito
Stamen Stame
Stipule Stipola
Stolon Stolone
Tendril Viticcio
Tentacle Tentacolo
Tepal Tepalo
Thallus (tissue) Tallo
Trunk (botany) Fusto
Tuber Tubero
Umbel Ombrella

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